An illustrated children's story whose character discovers she is dyslexic

An illustrated children's story whose character discovers she is dyslexic

Book Summary


This illustrated children's story explains what it feels like to be a child who finds it difficult to read. When Azzie, the main character, discovers she has Dyslexia, life begins to get easier for her and everyone around her. This book can be used to gently discuss Dyslexia and related learning difficulties with children.


Paperback ISBN 9781909320659
21.6 x 0.2 x 21.6 cm
36 pages
Colour illustrations on every page
Published Jan 2017


6.99 GBP
7.99 EUR
8.99 USD


Aimed at 6-8 year olds
Years 2 to 3 in Key Stage 2 in the UK
Grades 1 to 2 in the US

The Blurb

Azzie doesn't really like school. If she could spend every day drawing, painting and making stuff, things would be great. But she can't. The teachers make her do other stuff. This nearly always means she has to read from the board, a worksheet or a text book. The trouble is, she really really struggles to read letters, words and numbers. This makes her feel stupid. But she knows she isn't. If only she could tell someone ...

Book Objectives

This book has been written from the point of view of a child who feels misunderstood. She finds it very difficult to read, which makes school life a struggle. She feels stupid, even though she is clever and creative. She gets told off for messing around, when the truth is she can't do what is asked of her because she has a specific learning difficulty.

This illustrated book helps parents, teachers, and other adults who support children, have a non-threatening discussion about dyslexia with children of primary school age. Children find it easier to relate to, and discuss, the character in the story rather than have all the attention focused on them.

Using the book as a catalyst for discussion, adults can use the illustrated story at home or in school with children who have dyslexia, or exhibit dyslexic tendencies. Teachers can use the book to help classmates better understand their peers who may struggle reading. Similarly, parents can use the book to help children better understand family members.

Book Background

This book was written and illustrated by someone who is herself dyslexic, and is based on her own life. She wanted to do something to help children who, years later, are still facing the same lack of understanding in school.

As with all of its books, the publisher - Your Stories Matter – aims to help people know they are not alone with what makes them different. If a young person or adult can relate to a story, it gives them hope and encourages them to share their concerns. The publisher aims to provide free teaching resources for all of its books that can be used in schools, to help improve understanding and celebrate differences.

Book Reviews

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This is another in the ‘Your Stories Matter’ publications and begins with a very nice foreword: “For all the amazing people out there who have struggled and not known why. This is for you”.

It begins with very helpful notes for teachers regarding the different kinds of neurodiversity and also emphasises the strengths and talents that come with neurodiversity, as well as acknowledging the difficulties, many of which are exacerbated by other people’s reactions.

The illustrations are fun and there are only a few words to read, which is in keeping with Azzie’s own difficulties with reading, which make her feel like a failure despite her enormous talents in other areas. Getting a diagnosis of Dyslexia, however, enables Azzie to make sense of her struggles and it stopped others calling her stupid or accusing her of messing about.
— Dr Linda Buchan, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Director of Axia ASD

Book Resources

Currently under development

Book Availability

Most bookshops throughout the English-speaking world and of course Amazon. Contact us for a discount if you are an educational or support organisation wishing to purchase in bulk for resale or otherwise.

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